As we go about our business reviewing your framework, we avoid using descriptors such as robust, agile, or dynamic because it is a framework not a supercar. Like cars, however, we recommend servicing it frequently.
We clearly separate the board’s risk oversight responsibilities from actual risk management – which squarely falls with, you guessed it, the management team. We think risk is part of everyone’s job. And everyone includes the board.
We make risk practical, rewarding, and most importantly – useful to your operational goals. We give space and voice to most of your employees – crowdsourcing risk intelligence – creating a perfect environment to cultivate your culture of risk intelligence.
What does your risk program want to be when it grows up? Does it augment your strategy or is it simply a tool for compliance? Our nuanced analyses ensure that your risk resources are allocated just right. Yes, you can overspend on risk. We won't let you.
We facilitate fun and engaging risk workshops where no risk is “too weird” – coups, solar flares, meteor strikes – all real examples. Our resiliency exercises stress-test your failure points along with your sanity.
In an industry hyper focused on uniformly defining emerging risks across industries, we are an outlier (pun absolutely intended). With a bit of science fiction infused with plausible yet improbable futuristic scenarios, we go well beyond emerging risks – equipping you to think far in the future while helping you act in the present. Our goal? Institutionalize strategic foresight.
Diving deep into the world of academics, logicians, and strategists, we pull out some their tips and tricks to help you make better quality decisions. You get none of the academic-speak, some of the best tools, and all of our undivided attention when it comes to making high-value decisions.
We work with your team of in-house and external experts during and after a crisis to quickly deploy + entrench risk-based protocols. With enough board and management support, we can transform this reactionary instrument into a driver of cultural change.